Working as a doctor in Malaysia means you would have to go through rough hours, long hours, boring hours, dreaded hours...You sacrifice your time for people that just do not care about yours, give yourself to people who do not bother, and are polite to people who are rude, demanding and just plain ungrateful.
You take on long hours on your shoulders, never to be commended by the government, never to be properly rewarded, never to really be cared for, and taken care of. Some even lose their own health, their own well-being, their own vitality and strength just to give our patients some of theirs.
We serve when they hate on us, critique us, question us, give us a hard time, and yet, we have to smile and bow our heads to them, say it's our fault, our mistake.
It's tough working as a doctor, but when I come home into the arms of the one I love, I'm being showered with love, with attention, with care and with tender loving kindness. I come home to a home with cooked meals, waiting for me to gluttonly engulf it. I enter into a room filled with love, filled with my sweet love's tender mercies, always encouraging me, always listening, always sharing the burden with me.
Now that's my home, my home with this little girl called Carmen Ng Wai Yin, you see all the recipes written here? Yeah, I tried them first, first hand, and boy oh boy, aren't they just gorgeous to look, but it ain't only that you see, it's, let me spell it out! D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!
So, bring it on ungrateful, unloving, unforgiving hours at work, you shan't never have me soul, Daddy has indeed been good to me by sending a kind, loving and not to mention very very good looking helper to ease my burdens.
Having said all this, it's time for work again....arrgh....the clock starts ticking...tick tock...tick tock....
A blessed fellow,
Jer Wei...
Bulldog MD, I love you!! :)