Have you ever found someone,
Someone that changes your life,
That life just seems more worth living,
Living more and more in conviction and joy,
Joy that can never be explained,
Like explanations are insufficient,
So much so that it's just redundant to even ask.
I guess I've found someone,
Someone that fits the criteria,
Someone that makes my flowers bloom,
My light shine,
That makes my black and white into colour,
Makes my shades into rainbow.
I thought of it again and again,
Over and over,
My mind conscious,
My thoughts clear,
This girl I love,
I cannot possibly live a life,
No not a joyous one,
Not a contented one,
A satisfied one,
If not for her...
Sincerely always always yours,
Constantly in my mind,
Missing you here in Tawau,
Wishing you a wonderful time in Ipoh,
See you in a weeks' time,
Love you,
With a passionate love,
Jer Wei
wow carmen, your fiancee is really very expressive! :D