Friday, August 2, 2013

One step at a time.

Lately, I have been blessed with a renewed sense of His love for me, I am reading my bible more consistently, been spending a little more time with Jesus, and have been depending on Him a little bit more, it has been awesome so far. It's humbling, yes, but ever so peaceful to spend time with my Lord and Saviour.

If you do not know by now already, I have been in the surgical department for some time now, almost one year as a medical officer and lately I have been thinking about the opportunities this line of work brings to me. Do I advance by getting into the masters program? Do I take an external exam? And if it is yes to any of those questions, how do I go about it?

Surely when one such as myself embark on a journey to further my studies and my career, one thing strikes my mind. Am I capable to do so? Many from outside see me as confident and sometimes even arrogant to a certain extend, but nonetheless, and true to myself, I think many a times, I am afraid, I lack confidence, and I doubt my own capabilities.

And I react a certain way when I am negative, my mind would be dull and ineffective, I tend to close myself up, and sometimes I tend to belittle others so that I seem better. Not something I am proud of, of course. Oh well, I am not perfect.

Then in the midst of all this, I finally found some peace of mind, in a negative and bad state, Jesus found me where I am and true to Himself, He delivered me. How did He do it? He ways are sometimes so simple. He brought me back to His Word. 

Like I said, I have been spending a little more time with Him lately, and one thing I learn is that I should take it one step at a time, one step at a time. It is like knowing him, reading His Word, you do it one word at a time, it will then become a verse, then a chapter, then the time you realized it, you have read through His Word.

I recently bought some set of exam questions, can't say I'm scoring very well at the moment, but we'll see how it goes. 

So, one step at a time, take life one step at a time, set your eyes on the destination, but always always enjoy the journey.

I thank Him for His simple ways, truly He is my Lord and Saviour.

Snippets of our love affair,
Jer Wei

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