Sunday, November 24, 2013

Don't love you the same anymore. 

I was missing you today,

Still am, still do,

I was thinking of you just now,

Still am, still thinking,

I miss you,

I miss you dearly.

Thinking of how it began,

All by a simple note,

Just a simple sentence,

It all started when I realized I miss you,

It happened when I pen those words,

What was it again?


It was 'I think, I think, I miss you.'

Sweet memories,

Sweet thoughts,

Those were the days,

And now they are long gone.

So here I am,

Wondering about us,

Thinking about us,

Missing you dearly,

And I thought to myself,

'Do I still miss you like that?'

'Do I still love you like that?'

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Pre-Wedding Photography (Part 2)

The wedding is finally over and now only I have the time to blog about the preparations. Better be late than never, right? Hahaha. Many that have seen my prewedding pictures came asking me about it. Ok, I shall talk about it here. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Your 10th day husband


Love is seeing all another's imperfections and still saying,

"I love you"

Love is not counting another's wrongs and mistakes,

Love is hearing all the person has to say and then say,

"I still love you"

Love is always hoping that the other party is blessed,

Love means that there will sometimes be heartaches,

Yet knowing in your heart,

She's the one that you have chosen to love.

Love is accepting the whole person,

Love is knowing flaws and problems but saying,

"I love you"

Loving someone ain't easy,

But same goes to another loving you,

Love is not something that you deserve,

Love is undeserved,

Love is given and accepted freely,

Love is invaluable. 

Love is of grace,

It is indeed by grace,

Only by grace that I say this,

"I love you, Carmen Ng Wai Yin"

Loving you always,

Loving you forever more,

Your lover,

Your husband for 10 days and counting,


Jer Wei

There He is.....He is Jesus

It will never be enough,
There is nothing more that I can do,
It is a lost cause,
I wouldn't be able to repay.

My debt too high,
My crime too deep,
I cannot repay,
All mine good is filthy rags.

It will never be enough,
I have nothing to give,
Broken and poor,
I cannot compensate.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Our Childhood Montage

A short clip of our childhood and courtship. Specially produced for the wedding dinner reception by yours truly. Enjoy :)
