Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A broken record.

I am beginning to sound like a broken record,
Repeating same old same old,
Knowing the things that I say has the same gist,
Knowing that it's just a play of words,
Words that are cleverly arranged.

Like a puzzle that is jumbled up,
Like a needle in a haystack,
Like the sand in the sea,
The stars in the sky,
Waiting to be arranged,
To be found,
Wait for someone to appreciate it's pattern.

I sound like a broken record,
I understand that it's beginning to bore some of you,
A repetition of the themes of my life,
An expression of the passions in my life.

A broken record I am,
Nonetheless, I am willing to risk sounding like one,
It might seem like it's the same tune,
But let me assure you that the amplitude is louder.

Let me say it again,
This time louder,
This time more assuringly,
This time with more gusto.

This is the motto of me life,
Let Jesus love me, 
Know Jesus loves me.
Allow Jesus to pour out His love for me.

So that I can love more,
So that I can care more,
So that my heart will enlarge and be strong,
So that my hopes will be sure,
So that my desires be satisfied.

Also let me say this again,
I love you,
Carmen Ng Wai Yin,
Today with more affection,
With more commitment,
With more of my heart, my soul, my mind, my strength,
The way Jesus wants me to love you,
The way He loves His church.

Thanking Jesus for the love that He has for me,
The love the caused Him to endure the cross,
The love that made all His grace possible.

Always loving you, Jesus Christ,
Your friend and lover,
Low Jer Wei

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