We live in an age where there is just too much information laying around, there is just too much things to do, too much to see, too much to know and too much to care for. It's as if we had forgotten to live simple, to do what's important and to care for what's real and lasting. We argue too much, and we force our views on others, having our pride puffed up and thinking that we are the real deal. We think too highly of ourselves and we put ourselves at a higher place and we think too much of who we are and what we are capable of.
We make things complicated and call it simple, we create inventions that bore us, we do things that benefit us only at the cost of others around us, we steal, we lie and we cheat our way through at the disguise of being fair, fighting for equality, doing justice. Two wrongs just don't make one right, but sadly that's the nature of things now. We continue to do wrong to cover up previous mistakes.
Information is handy but we are just too damn lazy to look for it, there is no virtue as self sacrifice but none practise it anymore. We are scared of losing out and we look out for the best, but only for ourselves. We polish this thing called self esteem at the behest of others.
We forgive too little and we take heart too often. We are discontented too much of the time and we don't want to work for what we want. We are compassionate too little and we are cruel easily, we don't see the value of second chances and condemn a man for making a mistake in his life. We judge too quickly and execute too hastily.
We make it seem as if we care when we really don't. We lie to ourselves and say its okay when it is not. We who are fortunate never take enough time to think of unfortunate ones. We tell ourselves that there is nothing that we can do so that we can make ourselves feel better, we misled ourselves and end up believing in a lie.
This is the lie, our lives, self conceited and self serving, there is no role of helping the poor, of feeding the starved, and of the putting of smiles on the faces of our kindred. It's me or you, it's a man eat man world, there is no more compassion, no more love.
This is the society that we are currently living in, we kill to enforce our will, we destroy to exert strength, we pillage at the cost of the unfortunate, we steal to enrich our bellies. Our greed knows no bounds, our damnation well deserved.
We call ourselves enlighten because we build and communicate, we call ourselves advanced because of our inventions, we dominate and rule the earth, we who proclaim to be the rulers of land. We plunder the earth for it's resources never giving back, we till the ground and tear down trees destroying natural habitats for unnatural ones. We lay hold of a territory and call it ours.
We build government and elect the corrupt, we allow them to lord and rule over us as if we are incapable. We let them run wild and take us for fools. We lament and lament and lament until there is no tomorrow but never taking any actions. This is the age we live in.
Now go over this article another time before proceeding for better effect.
Then through it all, there was this one man, one person who took it upon himself, to make right the wrongs and to show us the way, this one man whose wrong was to be compassionate to the leper, to love the poor and afflicted, to ease burdens, to celebrate life with wine, now this one man, all he did was love and love and love, and being in the state that we were in, we condemned this one man, we put him to shame, slapped him around, we spat on him (yes every single one of us), we torment him with our gaze, we whipped him till his bones are bare, then we made him carry the instrument of his death, we tied him there with nails, and as if it weren't enough, we watched him bled. This man's death condemned us all, none excluded.
But remember remember that this was the Man who came to redeem us all, that we men at their most cruel was forgiven. It was right at that moment that we were washed, His bright red blood cleansing us, it was precious no doubt, but He was willing. Then He rose again, signifying our complete forgiveness for the earth could not swallow Him. Therefore, Him being a pleasing sacrifice paid the most dearest of price, so that all our ungodly and unholy nature would be conforming to Him.
World peace is achieved when God fearing people start to realise that we are not of this world but of the world to come, there is loads of work to do for people who claim Christ as their Lord. There is much to be done.
Jer Wei