Loving her, always loving her,
Always learning, always improving,
Caring for her, wanting the best for her,
That's the motto, That's the inspiration.
It can be difficult at times,
Nevertheless, when it is,
I find myself loving her,
Oh so loving her,
More and more,
Always more and more.
Sometimes I wish I do not forgive,
But yet, forgiving is natural,
It's the only thing I would do,
Loving her, oh it is about loving her.
She gets on my nerves at times,
She makes me boil,
She speaks rudely and disrespectfully,
But heck,
No ones perfect,
Yet so what,
I still love her,
I love her.
It's loving her,
Always and always,
Giving my best,
Doing my best,
All I wanna do is,
Loving her,
Time and time again,
Always and always.
With all my intentions of loving you,
Jer Wei