Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reminiscence (Part 2)

It has been almost 4 months since my last entry in this blog. To those following this blog, pardon me for my short disappearance. I have been busy at work lately and a little caught up with wedding planning, holiday retreats scheduling and my new “partner in crime” (i.e. the new Ipad).

A handful of people have been asking me when is the Part 2 coming up...ok, I shall not keep you all waiting for too long…Here’s the continuation of the story...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

He took my place

Was just hanging the clothes,
And life was thought about,
I thought about Jesus,
I thought about all that He has done,
I thought about His sufferings,
His pain,
The price He paid to ensure my destiny,
Oh yes I thought about Him,
Him that loves me with an everlasting love,
And I thought about what I've done for Him,
But thinking about it here and there,
I know that I have done nothing much...