Saturday, January 5, 2013

Resting in Jesus.

Surely God does not want you to be uncomfortable. His stance is a stance of resting in Him, it is to allow us to claim all the promises of The Father that is already fulfilled in Christ Jesus. He wants us to draw all from Him, he does not want us to strive to live, does not want us to be uncomfortable in life.

He wants us not to be uncomfortable, He wants us to be in the most comfortable zone, which is in His arms of love. Do not for once think that Jesus wants you to be out of your true comfort zone! In fact, He wants you always to be in it!! He leads you by peace, the Holy Spirit leads you by and in peace, so how does that translate to the Father wanting you to be out of your comfort zone? No!! He wants you to be translated to the Kingdom of His Son! And my friends, that is the most comfortable place on earth, the most!! That is your true comfort zone, He love you, and a lover will not want his/her lover to be uncomfortable but on the contrary, to be comfortable! He wants you to be at your true comfort zone, in Christ Jesus.
My Father is the true lover of souls, He wants the best for you, He has the best in His mind for you. Nevertheless, we fall short always of what He has in stored for us. Why? Because we have not the one that has done it all. The one that has done all that the Father has in mind for Him. That is my Jesus. But then you might say, many have Jesus and yet they do not attain the life that the Father has for them. True to that, but the first step is Jesus, then it is resting in Him, claiming His promises, fellowshiping with Him, allowing His success to be yours, His victory to be yours, His reality to be yours, and allowing Him to be in your place before The Father, and you taking His place before the Father. Do not strive, instead...REST! 

Sons and Daughters,
Too many of us are striving, are trying to attain, are fighting for victory, are trying to be righteous, doing their best, lo and behold, we will fail.
Rest! Rest! Rest! For we have all that we have in Christ Jesus! We need only to receive! And the posture to receive is like little children, not through striving, not by trying to attain, trying to be righteous, not by doing our best, but only by being a child, receiving all that Jesus has done for us, it is His victory, it is His righteousness, it is by His faith, it is by Him! It is all by Him, through Him, from Him, and for Him. It is Him, all Him, all Jesus and none of me, he has done it all, I will just receive, I do not need to strive for what HE HAS DONE, I need only to rest I Him, so I will learn one thing today, I will learn to rest in Him.

If you are Christians and you want breakthrough, rest in Him, do not strive, do not struggle, be at peace, for He leads you by peace. But if you are not Christians, He loves you, He adores you, He wants to adopt you as sons and daughters, so I urge you, you of whom are looking for love, you who are wanting to be loved, you who wants good success in life, in your businesses, in the things your hands set to do, all you need to do is this, call upon His name, and you shall be saved.

By grace, 
Jer Wei

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